
This is Curtis Wright's political blog. I recently decided that being a journalist is something that would interest me. So, I've decided I'll find and write about stories that interest me. Hopefully I actually write something.

Monday, March 4, 2013


People believing there is some huge conspiracy to lock down the US are absolutely  hilariously, out of their mind, paranoid.

oh my god

i am laughing so hard from the paranoia, it hurts.

oh man

You really believe that an army is going to invade and hold America hostage?

for what reason?

to what end?

WHO is going to do this? The army? yea, the army is going to blindly follow orders and shoot random American civilians.


maybe I'm wrong.

except that I'm not, cause Obama is not a dictator. He is a normal guy doing the best he can. people like these doomsday scenarios, because it allows them to think "well if it happens, I'm prepared!" They like to believe in a situation that will test their mettle and elevate themselves to the status of hero. They delude themselves into thinking that they are the last bastion of hope against the forces of tyranny.

There is absolutely, no way in hell, that something like V for Vendetta, or Nazi Germany, or whatever tyrannical doomsday scenario these people have cooked up will come to pass. Its lunacy. this is 2013. Information flows too fast, out of too many different places. It won't happen.

Friday, February 8, 2013

George W

This article:

makes me wonder what our ex-president is really like. what a weird dude.