
This is Curtis Wright's political blog. I recently decided that being a journalist is something that would interest me. So, I've decided I'll find and write about stories that interest me. Hopefully I actually write something.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Good Article

53%ers are idiots

Monday, October 10, 2011

More Herman Cain Nonsense

Seriously, there's no way he's gonna win. He says its because we're lazy. hahahaha. There are so many people in the country that would vehemently disagree with that. Not everyone who can't find a job is lazy. Saying so is willfully ignorant. There is a great amount of luck that goes into finding one. Especially in the economic climate of the current day.

I beg of Herman Cain to recognize that hard work can only go so far. In order to make it like he did, one must get lucky at one point or another. There's legion of Americans who work hard everyday and do not get the luck. Sorry. Capitalism is designed to have winners and losers. You are pro-capitalism. Saying everyone can be a winner is denying the very system you endorse.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Herman Cain

lolol. What a comment.

"Speaking to the Wall Street Journal, Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain said the demonstrators are coming across as "anti-capitalism." The former CEO of Godfather's Pizza said the Occupy Wall Street protesters are trying to distract the country from President Obama's "failed policies."

"Don't blame Wall Street, don't blame the big banks, if you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself!" Cain said. "It is not a person's fault because they succeeded, it is a person's fault if they failed. And so this is why I don't understand these demonstrations and what is it that they're looking for."

Wow. Just Wow. Yes I am anti-capitalist then. If this is what kind of country it produces, I'm anti-capitalist. His failed policies. The ones that weren't allowed to do anything because of Republicans blocking them. I will blame wall street. I will blame the banks. They were the ones who gambled with OUR mortgages, and when they lost all that money, it was ours that were devalued. We trusted you when you, "the experts", told us to get a sub prime loan. The market will keep going up. You can refinance in a couple years. Just look at that market!

You were the ones who, even though prices rose, you refused to raise our wages. When we demanded higher wages, when you could, you shipped them over seas. All so that the CEO can make some more money. Money they can keep because they can afford to hire people to know to put it in off shore accounts, so it won't be taxed. They're your loopholes. It is not a person's fault they succeeded. A lot of it is luck. There are people who put in as much or more effort than you. Now I did my research on you, and Herman Cain, you worked your way to the top. You came from nothing and you're now pretty successful. However, you have to admit that you must have gotten lucky somewhere. Hard work is important, and necessary. But you also need what Alex Smith seems to lack: luck. So telling people they are failures at life, simply because they didn't get lucky at some point, is not going to endure yourself to anyone. Sorry. 

People get caner(which you did actually. Congrats on beating that. It really helped to have all the money to pay for it, yea? Good thing you worked so hard to get it). People get hit by buses. Life has its ways of fucking things up. And in this society, it's expensive if you have to stop, even if for a little bit. If you get a litte bit behind, you are screwed. That's the way nature would have it, but as rational human beings, we must strive to do better than that. We, as sympathetic individuals with the capacity for logic and empathy must try to help other human beings. Because we know that we are alive and we know we want to be comfortable. Everyone deserves a place to live, food, and safety. Corporate greed is denying Americans those first two things, and if they don't step in (which they won't because it's not their job to. Their job is a revenue number in the black) and the government doesn't, or can't, step in, there will be a revolution. People will not stand for it. History has shown us that. People get crazy when they can't feed their children.


There's riots in Greece
And they're occupying downtown Manhatten.
I honestly don't really know what is going to happen to this world.
There could be a major revolution happening.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Wealth Statistics

Those make me depressed. There's no way I can ever do anything with my life
Politics is distressing.